Pimping “Democracy”

Pay attention to the news and opinion you see, hear, and read these days, especially that of a liberal bent. Pay attention to the words they use, and see how often you are fed the word “democracy.” I’ve noticed it quite a bit of late, especially...

Flushing The Constitution

Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) asserted that Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers “need to be heard, they need to be believed.” When Jake Tapper followed up with a question as to whether Kavanaugh himself deserved the presumption of innocence, she responded: I...

By Any Means Necessary

The attempted borking of Judge Kavanaugh proceeds apace, with his accuser set to testify on Thursday. Kavanaugh, a man of impeccable credentials and heretofore unassailed character, is being accused of an attempted rape nearly four decades ago, when he was 17, and of...

Trump, The Lesser Evil?

The day after the 2016 presidential election, I dubbed our then-President-Elect an “untethered id” (and sarcastically tagged on the adjective “orange” a few weeks later). Yesterday, the New York Times dropped an anonymous op-ed that, if it is...

Trade Clarity

After a couple years of constant exposure to Trump’s speeches, statements, off-the-cuff remarks and, especially, tweets, it behooves the prudent observer to avoid taking every word literally… AND, to avoid waving off everything he says as “serious...