Where Are The Aliens?

I used to be a nuclear rocket engineer. Really, I was. Department of Defense, NASA, missions to Mars and other planets… for a span of about 7 years during the Reagan-Bush era, I was eyeballs deep in it. My octogenarian aunt, who has lived her whole life on an...

Dreaming of Walls

While we libertarians revel in the government shut-down, we know that all good things will eventually come to an end (and, whatever money didn’t get spent will be made up retroactively, sad to say). From a popcorn-munching, pox-upon-both-their-houses perceptive,...

A Quote For Every Occasion

Conservative hawks were aghast at Trump’s sudden announcement that he’s ordering American troops out of Syria. Libertarians and others weary of America’s endless militarism, on the other hand, were gladdened, and some even cheered. While some...

Trump’s Gun Rights Giveaway

This week, President Trump banned bump stocks, devices used to enable a semi-automatic rifle such as an AR-15 to simulate full-automatic operation. Not Congress. Not a passel of anti-gun Democrats and/or a cohort of squishy Republicans. President Trump, who has long...