by David Curtin | Oct 8, 2019 | Opinion, Politics
My local NPR affiliate regularly asks its listeners to contribute, and read aloud on the air, an essay on the theme “This I Believe.” Coming from NPR, you can imagine which kinds of beliefs they might choose to implicitly endorse with their megaphone, and...
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 8, 2019 | Opinion, Politics
It should be a difficult thing to go to war. The decision to engage the nation’s military in a conflict, where death and destruction are not only certain, but the actual goal, should never be taken lightly or casually. And, I’m sure that our leaders, past...
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 3, 2019 | Politics
50 States. Such a nice, round number. Even makes for a good looking flag. Sure, the WWII-era 48-state flag offers a greater appeal to the rectilinearly-obsessed, but the 6-5-6-5-6-5-6-5-6 array has both symmetry and artistic appeal. 50 States also gives us 100...
by Peter Venetoklis | Oct 1, 2019 | Economics, Election, Opinion, Taxation
As someone who’s ‘of a certain age,’ and who has been attempting to save and invest money for retirement for several decades, I’ve grown a bit weary of the financial news outlets’ method of reporting market and stock performance....
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Aug 21, 2019 | Opinion, Politics
Another ‘meanie’ tweet from the President has enflamed the partisan battle of the usual lines: Republicans are racists, Democrats are not fit to govern. This time, the bomb seems to have been thrown in an attempt to shift attention away from the crisis on...
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