A Nation of Chamberlains

A Nation of Chamberlains

I caught a chunklet of an Internet conversation the other day, wherein a couple obviously left-leaning (and intersectional) commenters offered a perfunctory dismissal of Thomas Sowell (and Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson, because Black Non-Liberals are all the same,...
Bully Boy Biden

Bully Boy Biden

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. — Isaac Asimov Joe Biden, who cruised to multiple victories in yesterday’s primaries and likely to the Democratic nomination for President, had a “true colors” encounter with a construction worker...
If You Have To Lie…

If You Have To Lie…

If you’re explaining, you’re losing. – Ronald Reagan This quote crossed my news feed this morning, as a rebuttal to those who are working to downplay Biden’s latest “senior moments.” Shortly thereafter, yet another “Jesus was...