“Don’t Believe Them”

“Don’t Believe Them”

Being an Internet political warrior, I’ve accrued a number of virtual friends and acquaintances (a subset of whom I’ve had the pleasure of meeting ‘IRL,’ as the kids say). Among them are a sheaf of never-Trump conservatives who’ve...
RIP, Fourth Estate

RIP, Fourth Estate

A funny thing happened on the way to the election. The Press, the Fourth Estate, the Commentariat, the watchdogs who work to keep government honest, an element of a free society deemed so vital to its continued liberty, decided of its own volition to become a state...
Where Are The Reforms?

Where Are The Reforms?

Seven months ago today, Breonna Taylor was killed by police in a drug raid gone wrong. One hundred forty-one days ago today, George Floyd suffocated to death under a police officer’s knee. The former was highlighted by the latter, and the latter spawned protests...