The Right To Be Wrong…

… and The Right To Be An Asshole Hot on the heels of the Masterpiece Bake Shop Supreme Court decision (where a baker cited his religious beliefs to refuse to decorate a cake for a gay wedding) we have the unfortunate case of Donald Trump’s press secretary,...

Some Animals Are More Equal…

Amidst all the brouhaha, folderol, bewailing, and Tier 3+ spinning in regard to the Masterpiece Bake Shop Supreme Court ruling (my take on it is here), we find two words that provide total clarity into the deep rift that exists between today’s Left and the rest...

Thin Batter

On Monday, the Supreme Court issued its highly anticipated ruling in the Masterpiece Cake Shop “gay wedding cake” matter. The Court found in favor of the baker, reversing both the Colorado Civil Rights Commission’s ruling against the baker and the...

Walking the Woke Walk

It is said that there are no atheists in foxholes. The implication therein is, of course, that times of stress and personal risk bring out the truth in each of us. While noted atheist Penn Jillette has offered a rebuttal that there are only atheists in foxholes,...

Tolerating Prejudice

I recently discovered the Jerry Seinfeld series Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee, a show about, literally, what its title says. Every week, Jerry and a comedian friend take a ride in a (always different) classic car to a coffee shop, diner, or similar eatery and...