Politically Guided Moral Panics

EDITOR’S NOTE: This essay is the second in a series on the Drug War. Part 1: Science In the [first part of this argument][1], the proposal was made that medicine should be given all latitude to study medical issues, drug addiction being one. It posited that with...

What Does Equal Mean To You?

The word “equal” is a biggie in the American political landscape. Thomas Jefferson famously wrote “all men are created equal,” and explained his meaning by asserting that each of us has “certain unalienable Rights.” Unalienable is...

The War on Drugs Meets Science

Many are fond of trumpeting “Science!” as the basis for rational policy, but one look at the War on Drugs’ defenestration of science tells us that, in practice, such are the minority. This is nothing new or unique. There is a long and terrible...

Can He, Not Should He

Yesterday, the Supreme Court finally resolved the long-running saga of Trump’s travel ban, igniting a wholly predictable firestorm of yee-haws from the Trump crowd and sky-screams from the Left. Trump’s defenders argue that the ban is not a “Muslim...