by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Oct 13, 2018 | Culture, Politics
In history, have more brains ever been more racked over anything less knowable than in analyzing the recollections of the teens Ford and Kavanaugh from back in 1982? (The Dreyfus Affair, maybe). Have more media ever before been spilled over less content? Now that the...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Oct 3, 2018 | Politics
The Ghost Dance War was an armed conflict in the United States between the Lakota Sioux and the United States government from 1890 until 1891. It involved the Wounded Knee Massacre wherein the 7th Cavalry massacred around 300 Lakota Sioux, including women, children,...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Sep 26, 2018 | Culture, Politics
Metaphors are seeds for a hopeful blossoming of greater truth. Otherwise, true stories would be nothing but encyclopedic recitation. Is the Bible undone because we know the world was not made in six days? Both sides of our arrayed partisan battle lines have the seeds...
by Peter Venetoklis | Aug 18, 2018 | Drug Policy
Years ago, before marijuana legalization started to really gather momentum, many converts to the idea of legalization put forth the notion that we should legalize it and “tax the shit out of it.” They figured that they could rationalize the switch from...
by Peter Venetoklis | Aug 5, 2018 | Culture, Opinion
Back in the early 90s, I worked with a young female engineer who was a hard-core feminist and heavily involved in NOW (the National Organization for Women). We got to be friends, and she gave me a lot of insight into the movement. At the time, the rule seemed to be...
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