Where Are The Aliens?

I used to be a nuclear rocket engineer. Really, I was. Department of Defense, NASA, missions to Mars and other planets… for a span of about 7 years during the Reagan-Bush era, I was eyeballs deep in it. My octogenarian aunt, who has lived her whole life on an...

Carte Blanche and the General Welfare

The Constitution is a remarkable document, in conception, in purpose, in brevity, and in clarity. It is one of the great achievements in the entirety of human history. Unfortunately, since it is written in words, it is subject to the meanings assigned to those words....

The Only Difference That Matters

“Identity Politics.” Depending on your political and philosophical leanings, this phrase evokes either a nod of approval or an eye-roll of frustration. Progressives tend to believe that to understand someone, you must recognize and grant deference to that...

Fear, Not Ethics

The scientific ethicist community’s response to the report that a Chinese genetic researcher successfully altered a gene in twin human embryos (that were later implanted in the mother’s uterus and resulted in live births) was exactly as expected:...