Platform Games

Platform Games

Trump (whom I briefly tagged with the “him who shall no longer be named’ sobriquet… read on) is no longer residing in the White House, but he certainly continues to occupy the brain pans of countless leftists, wholly rent free. Given the attitudes...
How Cuomo Might Have Killed Me

How Cuomo Might Have Killed Me

As regular readers know, I have worked as a paramedic in New York City for over 25 years. Covid was the hardest challenge of my career, by far. It was the challenge of the century to our healthcare system (and our society). Controversy rages around Governor...
“Their” Truth

“Their” Truth

Information regarding the Atlanta massage parlor shooter continues to issue forth, and as the picture resolves more finely, we will get a better sense of why he murdered all those people. The earliest reporting (not reports, reporting, as in pundits interlacing their...
The Trotsky Treatment

The Trotsky Treatment

Students of history know that the original “cancel culture” was the Soviet Union in the 1930s, when Stalin and his apparatchiks sent millions to forced labor camps, often based on nothing more than suspicion of unfavored political views (and often not even...
The Oppressor Class

The Oppressor Class

The en-vogue social theory of modern times, when stripped of its various veneers, boils down to a simple concept: that there are oppressors and oppressed. Not individuals, mind you, but groups, aka classes, aka categories, aka “identities,” and our only...