Killing Pride

I caught a recent interview between magician Penn Jillette and libertarian journalist Nick Gillespie (and broke my no-listening rule because I wanted to hear Penn’s thoughts on Trump, given his extensive first-hand contact with him). The interview ranges far and...

Tu Quoque Or Not Tu Quoque

Donald Trump said some vulgar things a decade ago. In the grand traditions of “three can keep a secret if two are dead” and “always assume a microphone is live,” his words have come back to haunt his campaign. Everyone is outraged, the GOP...

State of Pain

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post is a follow-up to The Drug War Claims Another Victim America’s prohibition regime of certain sorts of drugs has never been called for by a medical consensus. It has never been based on application of the principles of addiction...

A Fear-Mongering Warmonger

Hillary Clinton recently claimed, in rather incendiary language, that ISIS would rather have Trump elected President than her. Her suggested reason is that Trump will be a “a recruiting sergeant for the terrorists.” This is both too clever by half and...