Weaponizing Religion

Consider the opening clause from a comment I recently found while perambulating around the Internet. It’s all fun and games until the religious zealot removes your freedoms Taken cold, it could be seen as having been written by a liberal bemoaning the...

Safety Pins and Sociopaths

Safety pins? Seriously? Has the Left collectively turned its brain off? In case some of you aren’t paying attention to the social justice scene, I’m referring to the latest bit of virtue signaling embraced by liberals i.e the wearing of safety pins, as...

From Messiah to Footnote

The historic milestone election of Barack Obama eight years ago was not just about breaking the ultimate color barrier in America. It was the elevation of an almost messianic figure in the eyes of many. It was about starry-eyed “Hope and Change,” it was...

Congratulations, Democrats!

You did it! You lost the sure-thing. You handed victory to a candidate who couldn’t possibly win the Presidency of the United States. And you have no one but yourselves to blame for it. You had the perfect foil to run against, you had the press abandoning their...