America Last

This week’s non-shocking news out of the White House centers on Trump’s decision to withdraw America from the Paris Climate Accord. It’s non-shocking in that it was a campaign promise, although in the realm of politics, perhaps it is a shock that a...

Whose Government Is It Anyway?

Having spent a lifetime around Greeks, and a couple decades working in the restaurant business with many Greeks, I’ve been well-exposed to the intricacies and eccentricities of Greek profanity. Greeks, being in general a religious people, have quite colorful...

Gun Rights Lesson #109 – Guns Don’t Stop Crime

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of a series of articles on gun rights. Each addresses a common anti-gun trope. This article builds on Gun Rights Lesson #488, which discusses mass shootings and offers a list of incidents where an armed civilian successfully acted...

Staying Sane in the Trump Era

Back in the day, in this case the early 1980s, radio shock jock Howard Stern was driving scolds, prudes and nannies crazy with his antics on WNBC in New York. Stern’s success and the loyalty of his listeners, as the story goes, was parsed by radio executives as...

Peak Gullibility

There’s an old gag I used to try on some of my more gullible friends in times past. Should gullibility ever come up, mention “did you know that the word gullible is not in the dictionary?” The goal, obviously, is to get them to look it up (and its...