Suppose You Were An Idiot…

And Suppose You Were A Member of Congress; But I Repeat Myself Thus goes a famous Mark Twain aphorism. It held true when he said it, and it holds true today. The perpetual head-scratching and WTF utterances by our Commander in Chief (who is not and has never been a...

Peak Irony

Ever think that something is so crazy that it can never actually happen? Or, that when it does happen, it can never be topped? I used to, but the news proved me wrong so many times I stopped making such presumptions. Today’s bit of OFFS: A University of...

Dogs, Creeps, and the Tribe

The Harvey Weinstein saga, so sordid that it started an avalanche of dialogue about Hollywood’s casting-couch dirty laundry, has bloomed outward into social media and the broader culture. Actress Alyssa Milano started a hashtag movement, #metoo, given women from...

The False Edge

Comedian George Lopez made tabloid headlines today, thanks to a Trump-bashing performance that fell so flat he was booed off the stage. As the story goes, Lopez was performing at a fundraiser, a major donor asked that he tone down the Trump jokes, and Lopez apparently...