Talks, Not Tanks

Among the countless postmortems, deconstructions, critiques, and diatribes of Trump’s meeting with Putin and all that happened thereafter appears this tidbit at Bloomberg. Dan Coats, director of national intelligence, is dubbed a “hero” by writer Eli...

Trump Goes Hanlon

If there’s any certainty whatsoever about the Trump presidency, it’s that, just when you thought things could not get more absurd, our teetotaling president comes through with yet another “hold my (nonalcoholic) beer” moment. Yesterdays’...

But, The Children!

I will holler “Amen!” with the choir of much of the nation whenever President Trump is called a big fat meanie. He is. He’s an awful person. But that sentence might have been written the same way, minus President, if we are back in 1990 “Trump...

Senatorial Illogic

The early buzz is in on Trump’s nomination for the Supreme Court seat being vacated by Anthony Kennedy. By most rational measures, Brett Kavanaugh is a superb legal mind, a good guy, an Constitutional originalist, and a solid pick for those who want to see the...

The Garland Whine

In grand “elections have consequences” style, Trump got to nominate his second Supreme Court justice this week. Before his pick was even announced, the Left had its plaints and protests locked and loaded. As in, tweets and placards with place holders and...