The Immigration Snooker

Talk to a present-day GOP die-hard about issues, and pay attention to the emotional level associated with each. Run the gamut of today’s big issues, and gauge the fervor behind each response. I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that, in most cases, you’ll...

Ambition Over Mission

Yesterday afternoon, a snow storm hit New York City. As NYC storms go, it wasn’t extraordinary – maybe half a foot of snow – but it turned out disastrous for millions of New Yorkers. The post-mortem reports blame faulty forecasts (instead of an inch...

Glorious Gridlock

This week’s mid-term elections offered very little for the liberty-minded voter. On one side, we had Trump’s Republican party, which did rather well for us in 2017, but spent this year pursuing an agenda that included closed-border nativism, tariff and...

Who Wants To Work Forever?

If 2017 was the year of Trumponomics (deregulation, tax cuts, and a generally pro-business attitude in the administration), 2018 is turning out to be the Year of the Nationalist. Economically, it’s been about trade wars, tariffs, and rewriting agreements. And,...