by Peter Venetoklis | Jan 1, 2019 | Opinion, Politics, Uncategorized
While we libertarians revel in the government shut-down, we know that all good things will eventually come to an end (and, whatever money didn’t get spent will be made up retroactively, sad to say). From a popcorn-munching, pox-upon-both-their-houses perceptive,...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 31, 2018 | Culture, Drug Policy, Guns, Opinion
When a drunk driver kills someone, we blame and punish the driver. When a drug dealer kills someone, we blame and punish the dealer. When a husband attacks his wife, we blame the husband. When a bomb explodes, we blame the bomber. When someone gets stabbed with a...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 20, 2018 | Opinion, Politics
Conservative hawks were aghast at Trump’s sudden announcement that he’s ordering American troops out of Syria. Libertarians and others weary of America’s endless militarism, on the other hand, were gladdened, and some even cheered. While some...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 19, 2018 | Guns, Opinion, Politics
This week, President Trump banned bump stocks, devices used to enable a semi-automatic rifle such as an AR-15 to simulate full-automatic operation. Not Congress. Not a passel of anti-gun Democrats and/or a cohort of squishy Republicans. President Trump, who has long...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 18, 2018 | Culture, Economics, Politics, Taxation
Trump’s tax cuts were widely praised by his supporters, and widely panned by the Left. No surprise in either case. The tax cuts were also panned by another, less obvious group: conservative deficit hawks. Many in this crowd purport to be the “true”...
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