Prohibition Kills

As I perused the most recent (April, 2019) issue of Reason, I came across a statistic that made my jaw (figuratively, of course) hit the floor: The annual rate drug of overdose deaths in Portugal is now 1 per 170,000 citizens. The figure is 33 times higher in the...

Uncle Joe and the Long Knives

There’s something interesting going on in the secret, woke-filled rooms where the Left’s agenda is crafted and propagated. Joe Biden, who many on the Left lament, with 20/20 hindsight, might-have-been-their-President, is now approaching persona-non-grata...

Let The Squirming Begin

There’s an aspect of human instinct that leads us to resist admission of error. Whether this is a feature or a flaw is a debate for another time and place, but we don’t have to weigh the merits of the behavior to recognize that it exists. It’s rooted...