by Peter Venetoklis | Apr 28, 2019 | Culture, Opinion, Politics, Taxation
My Facebook feed recently offered me one of those “red meat” posts intended to stoke outrage and mockery. In this instance, it was purportedly (and I stress purportedly – too many people have no qualms about making stuff up, and too many more have no...
by Peter Venetoklis | Apr 26, 2019 | Politics
Bernie Sanders briefly grabbed the national headlines by proposing that prison inmates be permitted to vote in elections. His position is an extension of current law in his home state of Vermont (and in Maine), where a citizen never loses the right to vote, even while...
by Peter Venetoklis | Apr 19, 2019 | Election, Opinion, Politics
Yesterday, the full-but-redacted Mueller report dropped, and to the surprise of absolutely no one, the Republicans screamed “total exoneration” and the Democrats screamed “impeachable offenses.” The truth? As with the totality of Trump’s...
by Peter Venetoklis | Apr 15, 2019 | Opinion, Politics
I can hear your groans now. “What, another Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez piece?” It’s an open question, in chicken-or-egg fashion, whether AOC’s notoriety is the result of the Left’s vocal, in-your-face adulation or of the Right’s...
by Peter Venetoklis | Apr 14, 2019 | Health, Immigration, Opinion, Politics
The gaggle of geese that is the current slate of Democratic presidential hopefuls has, with rare exception, been honking a far-left, progressive fantasy list of policy ideas in unison, or perhaps in round, in obeisance to the ironically-named Justice Democrats led by...
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