by Peter Venetoklis | Sep 17, 2019 | Election, Opinion, Politics
Watching the current and recent machinations of the Democratic Party, I conclude the title of this essay. With an addendum: By any means necessary. The latest (pathetic) attempt at taking down Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, an allegation of sexual misconduct...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Aug 21, 2019 | Opinion, Politics
Another ‘meanie’ tweet from the President has enflamed the partisan battle of the usual lines: Republicans are racists, Democrats are not fit to govern. This time, the bomb seems to have been thrown in an attempt to shift attention away from the crisis on...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Aug 6, 2019 | Immigration, Politics
We adapted to World War Two by training up an army nearly from scratch. We built a Navy of globe-spanning capability in short order. We created a new intelligence institution that performed better than its professional replacement. With tools adapted to the need, we...
by Peter Venetoklis | Aug 5, 2019 | Culture, Opinion, Politics
We witness, yet again, the horror of innocents going about their daily routines murdered en masse by a piece of human garbage. Twice in one day, in El Paso and Dayton. The history of such events cautions us to take our time in our pursuit of understanding, to avoid...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jul 23, 2019 | Culture, Opinion
My recent post about Trump’s tweet aimed at the four freshmen congresswomen now dubbed ‘the squad’ began as a musing on the nature of equality and racism in our society today. As J.R.R. Tolkien commented, the “tale grew in the telling,”...
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