Blind Faith

Blind Faith

A recent “warning” editorial in The Economist cautioned against a Sanders presidency, and the unicorn fart/pixie dust basis (my words, not the Economist’s) for his massive expansion of government largesse. I added a comment of concurrence, pointing...
Sunday Musings #1

Sunday Musings #1

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first of a recurring (and likely irregular) series of quick-hits. Because, not everything needs a thousand words. Thanks for reading! Marked Forever Hot on the heels of President Trump’s impeachment acquittal by the Senate (and,...
To Serve, or to Rule?

To Serve, or to Rule?

William McGurn, over at the Wall Street Journal, recently pondered why Democratic Presidential hopeful Amy Klobuchar has declared that won’t release her list of potential Supreme Court judges unless and until after she wins the Presidency. While it was standard...
Death By Lawfare

Death By Lawfare

It is fitting this country be fraught, to the point of possible division, by our legal dysfunction. Our losing principle and clarity to our legal arms races are undermining the traditional foundations of the nation. The evolution is only emphasized by the latest...