Target Misdirection

Target Misdirection

There’s an interesting thing happening in the wake of the collapse of the Mueller probe and the Russian collusion narrative. The curtains are being pulled aside, bit by bit, and we are learning of misdeeds and shenanigans at the highest levels of government and...
The Best and Brightest?

The Best and Brightest?

We will learn many lessons, in the coming months, from the COVID-19 pandemic. While I have been circumspect in drawing hasty or premature conclusions, in believing particular models or projections, or in concluding whether Policy A or B or C has been good or...
COVID Calculus

COVID Calculus

Thomas Mann, writer, philanthropist, social critic, and Nobel Laureate, told us, nearly a century ago, that “everything is politics.” COVID-19 and the response to it are no exception. I have little doubt that every action taken in response to the pandemic...
An Unwasted Crisis

An Unwasted Crisis

The Coronavirus crisis has proven to be a generational event that has gripped the world. Drastic measures are being taken by governments, markets are roiled, and our individual lives have been significantly impacted. We are still in the early stages, with...
If You Have To Lie…

If You Have To Lie…

If you’re explaining, you’re losing. – Ronald Reagan This quote crossed my news feed this morning, as a rebuttal to those who are working to downplay Biden’s latest “senior moments.” Shortly thereafter, yet another “Jesus was...