Give a Man a Fish

Pope Francis set the political blogosphere afire with words that apparently condemn capitalism and free markets in a recently released manifesto. Much has been written by many about this, so much so that I felt uneasy pulling quotes of the manifesto from the press or...

Melting Pot vs Zoo

Somehow, somewhen, without consulting the rest of us (hat tip to George Carlin), the intelligentsia decided that the nation would no longer be a “melting pot,” where people who wanted to come here would be expected to embrace American culture while mixing...

The Corporate Welfare Straw Man

One of the standard accusations that liberals, Democrats, progressives and other statists lob at libertarians is that libertarians are simply closeted Republicans, conservative-lite, or right-wingers who want to use drugs. As “proof” of this, they flesh...

Sin Taxes and the Black Market

The nation is moving, in fits and starts, baby steps and backslides, towards legalizing marijuana. Why pot became illegal and has remained so for 75 years is a head-shaking and toe-curling story that few are aware of, a story full of lies, hysteria, ignorance and...