Accident of Birth

Name a professional athlete, one at the very top of his or her game. We all know the names: Mays, DiMaggio, Montana, Payton, Gretzky, Howe, Pele, Jordan, Russell, Nicklaus, Woods, Federer, Graf, Williams, Ali, Robinson. How about a seminal name in music, one whose...

Let’s Ban Ice Cream

There’s a meme bouncing around the political blogosphere that says we need to demand the minimum wage be raised because Walmart. The rationale goes like this: The government provides various safety nets regarding health care and other basics, including programs...

Cultures Of Dependence

Just a few weeks before I was born, Lyndon Baines Johnson gave his first State of The Union address since becoming President upon the death of John F. Kennedy. The full text of the address is a fascinating read, especially within the context of LBJ’s...

The Founders Missed One

Buried within the hyperventilating about Indiana’s recently enacted religious freedom law – a law that says (per USA Today): the government cannot “substantially burden” a person’s ability to follow their religious beliefs, unless it can...

Natural Nonsense

A friend and former employee who has gone all-in on healthy living and all things natural has been sharing a variety of links and news stories with me of late – stories decrying GMO foods, Big Pharma, chemotherapy and Monsanto as the greatest evils of modern...