Social Justice For Dummies

Many who champion government involvement in people’s lives and decisions purport to do so to protect the weak, the disadvantaged, the oppressed, the less “privileged,” and the more vulnerable members of society. That last category was illuminated by...

Gun Rights Lesson #355 – Machine Guns

Pick a shoot-em-up movie, any shoot-em-up movie. Odds are that somebody’s going to have a gun that “sprays” bullets all over the place. Whether it be the Terminator, Robocop, John McLane, Hannibal Smith, Jack Bauer, or Marta from Scarface, machine...

Cabaret, Oh Cabaret!

New York City has finally repealed its 91 year old, Jazz Age Cabaret law. The fight over the 23 skidoo goes on, vodeodo‘s specter infiltrates unchecked across the “isle of Manhatto” in its subtle wiles, but the Charleston is now free to come up from...