The Immigration Snooker

Talk to a present-day GOP die-hard about issues, and pay attention to the emotional level associated with each. Run the gamut of today’s big issues, and gauge the fervor behind each response. I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that, in most cases, you’ll...

Fentanyl – Policy vs Evolution

The opioid Fentanyl has been increasingly dominating headlines these last few years, as the “opioid epidemic” grew to the point of capturing public attention, and by extension politicians and the press. Unlike heroin, which is made from opium poppies,...

Forgetting The Goal

The mountains of mockery heaped upon Elizabeth Warren for her tin-ear revelation of her DNA-tested proof that she does, indeed, have a few micrograms of Native American heritage have reopened, at least in some circles, discussion of affirmative action and diversity....

Genetic Sin

I came across another one of those “old white slaveowners” dismissal of the Constitution and originalism (the idea that the Constitution should be interpreted as it was written, not as justices of today feel) the other day. The usual rebuttal of such an...

When Lawyers Define Sex Roles

In history, have more brains ever been more racked over anything less knowable than in analyzing the recollections of the teens Ford and Kavanaugh from back in 1982? (The Dreyfus Affair, maybe). Have more media ever before been spilled over less content? Now that the...