The Protectionist-In-Chief

The history books tell us that Donald Trump gave one of the shorter inaugural speeches in presidential history. The symbolism, in length, in content and in style, should not be lost. His brief and plain speech was a third shorter than Obama’s two speeches and...

Hack Attack Bipolarity

The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! Rumors consume the news cycle that the Russians have stolen our electoral legitimacy, and as is typical, partisan battle lines are drawn long before a semblance of facts are in. The irony would be rich, if it did not...

A Libertarian’s Appeal To Distraught Democrats

I feel your pain. You came to this with what you thought were the best intentions, but you didn’t get what you wanted (I never get what I want). Now, you’re talking about moving to Canada or Spain, or seceding from the Union to live in the world’s sixth largest...

Weaponizing Religion

Consider the opening clause from a comment I recently found while perambulating around the Internet. It’s all fun and games until the religious zealot removes your freedoms Taken cold, it could be seen as having been written by a liberal bemoaning the...