“You Leftists Hate Me”

Trump’s victory last November has been the subject of more analysis than most of us can even fathom. The list of possible reasons range from the mundane to the conspiratorial to the bizarre, and, depending on one’s perspective, represent everything from...

Immigration, Borders, and Liberty

Just about a year ago, then-Secretary of State John Kerry told the graduating class at Northeastern University that they were about to graduate into a complex and borderless world. Given the continued hotness of the potato known as immigration (one further complicated...

America Last

This week’s non-shocking news out of the White House centers on Trump’s decision to withdraw America from the Paris Climate Accord. It’s non-shocking in that it was a campaign promise, although in the realm of politics, perhaps it is a shock that a...

Pronouns Over Policy

What is the message of today’s Democratic Party and of the Left in general? Yes, we know “Trump sucks,” and Hillary should have won, and the GOP has been taken over by right wing extremists and religious zealots that are going to turn the nation into...