Gatekeeper Censorship

Three years ago, I asked whether social media platforms might one day be deemed a “public good,” subject the principles of public accommodation currently applied to brick-and-mortar businesses, as well as other government mandates (e.g. those imposed on...

Socialist Relativism

Nazis suck. So do neo-Nazis, Nazi wannabes, Nazi sympathizers, and those who share the “values” of racism, oppression, broad hatred, ethnic cleansing, and all the rest of that garbage. The Third Reich and the war it started killed tens of millions of...

Scrubbing History

Efforts to denude the South of Confederacy statues, memorials, flags, and other historical depictions have accelerated rapidly in the wake of the Charlottesville white supremacist rally and Antifa counter-rally. A mob mentality has started to creep in, with wanton...

Underestimating Human Ingenuity

There is a very common human failure, one born out of hubris, self-centeredness, and a touch of solipsism. It can be expressed as “if I, personally, can’t envision how something would work, then it won’t.” Phrased thus, it sounds silly, but...