by Peter Venetoklis | May 7, 2018 | Opinion, Politics
One might think that, after almost 18 months of hyperventilation, the kick-Trump-out crowd would have passed out. Or, at least found a paper bag into which to inhale and exhale until they calmed down a bit. Yes, Mueller’s investigation continues, and it remains...
by Peter Venetoklis | May 5, 2018 | Culture
William Falk, editor-in-chief of The Week, recently warned Democrats that economic populism (e.g. socialized medicine and Bernie Sanders’ government jobs program) is not the path back to power that they assume (and behave as if) it is. He argues, compellingly,...
by Peter Venetoklis | Apr 16, 2018 | Culture, Guns, Opinion, Politics
Two stories in recent news, one local, one national, serve as stark examples of the decay of our system of government. In New York City, an attorney that specialized in navigating its difficult and seemingly at-whim pistol permitting process is going to trial for...
by Peter Venetoklis | Apr 13, 2018 | Politics
A suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria. Denials by the usual suspects, howls by the usual suspects, and our President promising an armed response. Is any of this remotely surprising? More germanely, is the promised response likely to accomplish anything...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Feb 8, 2018 | Opinion, Politics
The obstructing ink of our politicos is thicker than ever, the darting evasions harder to follow, in figuring all of the misconduct from all the actors in the fiasco that was the 2016 Presidential election. The principal charge leveled in my recent article on the...
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