Our Grievance Culture

It is a malady confined to man, and not seen in any other creature, to hate and despise himself. — Michel de Montaigne My household “reading room,” a locale that lends itself to the consumption of short bits of written material, has amongst its...

You Must Lose

A question recently arose in a political forum I frequent, as to whether making birth control pills over-the-counter (and thus drastically reducing the cost of acquiring them) would appease the reproductive-rights scolds. This is a proposal that has been floating...

A Conflict of Values

Locavore. Farm-to-Table. Artisanal. Organic. Non-GMO. So go the labels for a modern trend among progressive, socially conscious diners, who see our industrialized, mass-production, agriculture industry as something to be eschewed, derided, and protested. This...

Loving the Poor

A silly little graphic popped up on my Facebook feed today. It presented a two-dimensional political chart, with authoritarian at the top, libertarian at the bottom, economic-left on the left and economic-right on the right. It then devolved this political spectrum...