Anatomy of a Gun Bill

California, a state that used to actually have some modicum of respect for gun owners (decades ago), has become (no surprise, given its leftward lurch) the land of a steady stream of gun-rights infringements in recent years. A proposal for a tax on the sale of all...

Thinkers and Doers

An intellectual is someone whose product begins and ends with ideas. This quote by Thomas Sowell was among a pile of delicious nuggets in a recent interview of the great thinker posted at Reason. Sowell both defines what he means by “an intellectual” and...

The Joy of Making

My brother and I have a vacation house in upstate New York, a quiet retreat in a small Southern Tier town where we gather with family and/or friends a few times a year to escape from our daily routines. The house is an on-going project for me, and I’ve...

Virtue Signal Sleight-of-Hand

A couple months ago, Amazon declared that it would pay all its employees at least $15 a hour. It cannot be coincidence that Amazon picked the very wage that progressives are demanding be set as a national minimum via legislation, so the Amazon move reeks of...