A Second Amendment Event?

A Second Amendment Event?

There’s a public argument phenomenon that gun rights defenders and Second Amendment defenders are quite familiar with: “gotcha” questions written by the ill-informed. Step into any on-going debate over gun rights, and you’ll almost invariably...
Weekend Musings #3

Weekend Musings #3

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the third of a recurring (and likely irregular) series of quick-hits. Because, not everything needs a thousand words. Thanks for reading! An Odd Hill A few readers took umbrage at my use of salty language in asking (yes, asking, I made no...
Budget Cuts And Crime Spikes

Budget Cuts And Crime Spikes

The argument over policing policy prompted by George Floyd’s death has reached a contrasting climax: on the one hand, protestors have taken to the streets in numbers not seen since the Civil Rights marches (in the midst of a pandemic, no less). On the other, we...
The Canceler’s Privilege

The Canceler’s Privilege

The loony-Left’s censorship follies have run so amok that a passel of leading liberal voices gathered (virtually, I presume) to sign an open letter “on justice and open debate, which just ran in Harper’s Magazine. Needless to say, the cancelniks were...