Terror and Terrorism

It is a difficult reality of modern political discourse that some seek to leverage high-visibility events to fit their on-going agendas. One particularly galling example of this is the effort to tu quoque those who condemn radical Islam by casting the Las Vegas...

Viet Nam, And Beyond, In Theory

An exploration of America’s involvement in foreign wars, examined through the light provided by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s brilliant documentary “The Vietnam War,” finishing its run on PBS, is timely and should inform the debate on the Global...

Anti-Social Media

The horror and tragedy of the massacre committed in Las Vegas by Stephen Paddock, a massacre that at this point stands without reason or explanation, is incomprehensible even to a society that has seen such a number of times in the past decade. So far, we have seen no...

Hating Sovereignty

President Trump caused quite a stir at the United Nations the other day. His speech before the General Assembly was hailed by many and disparaged by many more. No surprise there – Trump’s not been one to mince words or soft-pedal his message. He touched on...