State of the Union 2019: A Review

As has become my norm, I opted out of sitting through the State of the Union address, choosing to read the transcript the morning after. In doing so, I save myself 82 minutes of theater, preening (by everyone there), applause breaks, photo-ops, and the like that...

Tallying Grievance Points

The normalizing of the idea that “some animals are more equal than others” (George Orwell’s denouement in Animal Farm) has not only resulted in a grievance hierarchy, but ensured that various identity groups would devote increasing amounts of energy...

Crimes Not Impeached

Impeachment is in the air. The Democrats, as they prepare to take up the House, promise a “cannon of subpoenas.” I’ve discussed the impeachment possibilities in President Trump’s many imbroglios here. Today, let’s take a look at other...

When Lawyers Define Sex Roles

In history, have more brains ever been more racked over anything less knowable than in analyzing the recollections of the teens Ford and Kavanaugh from back in 1982? (The Dreyfus Affair, maybe). Have more media ever before been spilled over less content? Now that the...