The Immigration Snooker

Talk to a present-day GOP die-hard about issues, and pay attention to the emotional level associated with each. Run the gamut of today’s big issues, and gauge the fervor behind each response. I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that, in most cases, you’ll...

The Exhausted Majority

A major piece in the Atlantic, and a related article at ABC News, point to an emerging problem for the Left: Their identity politics narrative isn’t working out for them. The Atlantic article offers some revealing statistics: 25% of Americans are “devoted...

Hand Jiving With Nike And The NFL

Metaphors are seeds for a hopeful blossoming of greater truth. Otherwise, true stories would be nothing but encyclopedic recitation. Is the Bible undone because we know the world was not made in six days? Both sides of our arrayed partisan battle lines have the seeds...

Abandoning Common Sense

Political Correctness, we are told, is not the bogeyman that non-liberals often portray it to be. Rather, we are told, it’s merely civility, politeness, and respect for others writ large. Horse puckey. Political correctness, and its militant sibling, social...