Harvesting The Poor

The annals of history tell us that, across millennia, income redistribution flows upward, from the poor to the rich (like the economics of most of Africa today). The poor, today, would be better off opposing income redistribution, here and now in America, in how their...

Forbidding Happiness

Thomas Jefferson wrote “that all men … are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” These are, indeed, unalienable (or inalienable, in modern spelling) rights, i.e....

Distortion Entitlement

We can understandably pity today’s New York City cab driver. His prosperity, and indeed his job itself, is under existential threat from the technology disruption of ride-sharing services Uber, Lyft, et al. This is even more the case if he owns his medallion....

Killing His Golden Goose

Earlier this month, Trump slipped a dagger between the ribs of the stock market, a market that had been riding high since his election, by confirming fears of a trade war with China. The market reacted as expected. A week ago, he signed the “omnibus”...