Happy Bill of Rights Day!

Happy Bill of Rights Day!

On December 15, 1791, the first ten Amendments to the United States Constitution, collectively known as the Bill of Rights, were ratified. 228 years later, we commemorate their enshrinement in the annals of human history. They affirm, in detail, the unalienable rights...
Clearing The Air

Clearing The Air

There are 86 coal power plants currently in operation in the US. Collectively, they have a capacity of 107 GW of electricity, and provided 27% of the nation’s total power in 2018. They emit 1.97 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide each year. It is fairly well...
Gaga for Goo-Goo

Gaga for Goo-Goo

Back at the turn of the century – the 19th century, that is, a movement arose to battle against graft and corruption in government, by supporting candidates of a reform mindset. They were mockingly called goo-goos, short, of course, for...

Trump and Transactional Voters

Prior to the last election, a conversation among friends included an “admission” by one, an executive in a large corporation, who noted that the past years under Obama had been good for him economically. His company had done well, he had made money and...