The Brotherhood of the Mosh Pit

Many of my friends know I have a fondness for heavy metal music. Some of my friends share that fondness, some are amused, some have no opinion, but at least a few find it an inscrutable and dissonant element of my personality. It raises an occasional eyebrow when it...

The Law is the Law

A recent editorial in the Wall Street Journal, one that was little more than a “hit piece” on those who think Edward Snowden did the nation a service and a defense of the NSA’s practices, posited an interesting statement: “He did not find or...

More Minimum Wage Malarkey

Robert Reich, who was Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton, and who is currently a professor at Berkeley, made a “put it to rest” pronouncement regarding raising the minimum wage, offering 7 reasons why it should be $15 per hour. I was going to comment...

The War on Mobility

Hot on the heels of the Administration’s and the Democrat’s push to raise the minimum wage comes an announcement that rules regarding overtime pay will be changed. For those not familiar with the byzantine rules regarding overtime, employees who operate in...