Free Speech, But…

The terrorist attack on the offices of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo has produced an outpouring of support for freedom of the press. A meme of the pen is mightier than the sword has gone viral, both at rallies all over France and in the press. Sadly and...

What’s a RINO?

Spend, as I do, some time reading political boards of a conservative bent and you’ll see the term RINO bandied about. RINO, short for “Republican In Name Only,” is a common aspersion directed at politicians who belong to the Republican Party but...


One of the most basic justifications offered by modern liberals and social justice warriors for their interventionist, redistributionist, social-justice and political-correctness ways is that they are the ones who care about their fellow men, about the poorest,...

Pro-Liberty is not Anti-Cop

This past weekend, two NY City police officers, one asian and one latino, were murdered in what appears to be a premeditated and unprovoked act of payback for the deaths of two black men in two unrelated incidents in two different cities. The firestorm of tension,...

The Defenestration of Principles

The recent release of a report on the CIA’s interrogation of suspected terrorists has brought quite a spectacle to the political blogosphere. The report, its obvious political purpose notwithstanding, has served a useful unintended purpose: it has exposed to the...