Blaming Capitalism

Any Internet political warrior will have seen, time and again, accusations leveled against capitalism for the woes that befall them or the societies which the accusers are white-knighting. Rebuttals that the woes they are ascribing to capitalism are far more...

Canada, Eh? Check Your Privilege!

Actress Lena Dunham recently joined the ranks of those celebrities who’ve suggested they might move out of the country if Trump gets elected president. While some of these wealthy and privileged have not specified their preferred destination, and at least a...

Your Children Are Not Important

From a libertarian’s perspective, there are few failings of modern liberalism worse than its subordination of the individual to identity groups or to the collective as a whole. In this manner, modern liberalism flips on its head the tenets of classical...

Climate Chutzpah

Drudge linked an amusing little ditty today that discusses how the effects of anthropogenic global warming aka climate change aka climate disruption aka climate catastrophe on rainfall turned out wrong. Yet another predictive failure is nothing out of the ordinary in...