Liberals That Hate Liberty

Stories about people’s Trump signs and placards being stolen have become so common that only the ones with “bonus” features are bothering to register in the zeitgeist nowadays. One man electrified his signs after seven were stolen and after video...

Hating Others’ Success

News that the Obama Administration was implementing some rule changes in order to increase revenue from estate taxes reminded me of an old quote: “The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to obtain the largest possible amount of feathers with the...

Subsidizing The Planet

The attached graphic crossed my browser screen today. As you can see, it’s an OMG BIG PHARMA IS EVIL graphic from the Bernie Sanders camp. It asserts that a particular drug is four times more expensive in America than it is in three nations that have socialized...

Pushing a String

A wonderful quote appeared in my newsfeed the other morning: Progress cannot be plotted and blueprinted in advance; that is why it is progress. It reminded me of an anecdote from my engineering days. In an all-hands meeting regarding the technology project I was...