by Peter Venetoklis | Feb 20, 2017 | Culture, Economics, Politics
How long is your commute? If you’re an average American, it’s about 26 minutes. While a few work from home, and our increasingly technological society suggests that number could grow and thus shrink the average, the overall trend has been moving in the...
by Peter Venetoklis | Feb 12, 2017 | Taxation
The election of Donald Trump will, among other things, stave off, for now, the relentless and insatiable hunger that progressives have for dead people’s money. Hillary Clinton had, as part of her campaign platform, put forth a plan to both increase and modify...
by Peter Venetoklis | Feb 10, 2017 | Culture, Economics, Environment
There’s a cute series of advertisements populating basic cable these days, offered by the Ad Council, that encourage us to recycle our plastic containers of various sorts. The ads anthropomorphize plastic bottles, if you can believe it, to make obvious and...
by Peter Venetoklis | Feb 3, 2017 | Guns
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of a series of articles on gun rights. Each addresses a common anti-gun trope. “We register cars and require driver’s licenses! We should regulate guns the way we regulate cars!” This argument is a hoot. The people...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Jan 25, 2017 | Culture, Drug Policy
As will increasingly be a question: the great baseball players whose careers coincided with the peak of the steroid era are being considered for admission into the Hall of Fame. Are they worthy? Like any debate on ethics, the answers are clear to child’s logic...
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