Whence Inequality?

A recent Washington Post headline blared “The richest 1 percent now owns more of the country’s wealth than at any time in the past 50 years.” We are, I presume, supposed to assume this is a problem. Mention anything relating to the wealthy to the denizens...

Half-Hearted Hawks

Last night, in the wee hours, the Senate finally passed its version of the tax reform bill. While the final version will depend on the conference between the House and the Senate, it’s safe to say that the bill is a mixed bag. Some will get what they want, some...

Smaller Government? How Quaint!

As the Senate struggles to assemble a tax reform bill good enough to garner 50 votes, one palliative (or buy-off) that speaks volumes is a reported provision that will work as a tax increase “trigger” should future revenues fall short. This sop stinks for...

Gun Rights Lesson #355 – Machine Guns

Pick a shoot-em-up movie, any shoot-em-up movie. Odds are that somebody’s going to have a gun that “sprays” bullets all over the place. Whether it be the Terminator, Robocop, John McLane, Hannibal Smith, Jack Bauer, or Marta from Scarface, machine...