Racism, Redefined

My continuing exposure to the culture wars and the political skirmishes of present-day prompts occasional “aha!” moments. Today’s is the conclusion that progressivism and identity politics are, despite their fixation on creating more and more and...

Electoral Diversity

The two years since Trump’s election have done little to abate the bleating about the Electoral College, the Senate, the over-representation of smaller states in Congress, and other such folderol. Indeed, the newly-drunk-with-power House Democrats have...

Comedy, By Their Leave

Disgraced stand-up comic and comedy auteur Louis C.K. caught some more flak from the social justice scolds, recently, as recordings of some of recent performances were “leaked” (oh, how sinister and socially responsible that term is!). The quoted jokes are...

The Right To Steal

In further validation of the notion that “there are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them,” Christopher Rufo at City Journal informs us of the latest whiz-bang idea coming out of the homeless-advocacy camp is that of...