A Healthcare Red Herring

One of the big drivers of health care costs, we are told, is the extraordinary effort the system puts into extending the lives of people with late-term cancers and other terminal illnesses. Look around and you will find plenty of stories about this or that person...

Billionaires and Taxes

I came across a bit I wrote back in 2003, that I dubbed “Billionaire Socialists:” What’™s with all the billionaire socialists? Bill Gates€’ dad said some time ago that the rich should be taxed higher, Mike Bloomberg is hell-bent on not only...

The Social Security Lie

A couple years back, when the Tea Party movement was in full force and the 2010 mid-term election process was in full swing, there was a common complaint about Tea Partiers regarding their opposition to taxes but their refusal to forego entitlements. This criticism...

Rules for Thee But Not For Me

Senator Rand Paul has recently tilted at another windmill by sponsoring an amendment that requires politicians to be subject to the same rules and laws as the people they govern. It’s a great idea, but I think the nation has gone too far down the wrong path for...

A Billion A Day To Fight Global Warming

Today, Drudge briefly headlined a report that about a billion dollars a day are being spent to combat global warming. I searched the headline out and found it plastered all over right-wing websites, so I got a bit suspicious. But, when I clicked through to the...