by Peter Venetoklis | Jan 19, 2014 | Culture, Politics
A column by Michelle Malkin reminded me of an old observation regarding the special hatred people of the Left hold for those who are expected to be liberals but are not. In her column, Ms. Malkin discussed several instances of people in the political sphere, people of...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jan 15, 2014 | Economics
In doing some research on classical vs modern liberalism, I came across an interesting question: Would someone who advocates setting (and increasing) a minimum wage for laborers agree that there should be a minimum wage for artists of various sorts? Should there be...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jan 14, 2014 | Economics
There is a theory regarding wealth, held by some who see the current state of Africa as simple as the Europeans despoiled the land and took its wealth from the natives, that natural resources are inherently valuable, that a nation’s wealth is those resources and...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jan 13, 2014 | Culture, Drug Policy, Opinion
Consider your “natural rights.” Jefferson codified these as “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” More specifically, your natural rights include all those listed in the Bill of Rights, plus rights that haven’t been enumerated...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jan 12, 2014 | Culture, Opinion, Politics
An oft-stated goal of progressive politics is “equality.” Equality is a nice word and a noble-sounding goal, especially in a nation and a world where institutionalized inequality has been the norm for decades and centuries, and both our president and New...
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