The Hatred of Wealth

Hot on the heels of a CBO report that predicts people will be incentivized not to work because of Obamacare’s subsidies (a report that gets the Captain Obvious award, more on that in a moment) comes some truly stupendous sophistry from the administration and its...

Economic Fascism and the Minimum Wage

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the minimum wage is being groomed as a hot-button election year issue. Setting aside the destructiveness of minimum wage increases to job creation, the harm it does to the poor and unskilled, and the overall notion that the...

The Purity Straw Man

Libertarianism is often dismissed, by both the Left and the Right, as a playground for idealists who are detached from reality and a philosophy whose ideas look great on paper but would never work in the real world. Questions lobbed at libertarians often take the form...