The Buck Stops… Where?

The Buck Stops… Where?

Joe Biden made a great big deal of his comprehensive reversals of Donald Trump’s policies upon his assumption of the Presidency. Such a big deal that he signed SEVENTEEN of them his very first day in office. Oftentimes, Biden’s policy choices and decisions...
Our Afghan Whipping

Our Afghan Whipping

Our Afghanistan project has failed. The Afghan National Army (ANA) has disintegrated, and as we leave, the Taliban fill the vacuum with breathtaking speed. What went wrong? The basic explanations are the only ones necessary. The first is that their holy book teaches...
Rancid Lemonade

Rancid Lemonade

Emperor Andrew I, the Petulant, who was actually showing signs of surviving his Triple-Lindy of scandals, resigned yesterday. The knockout punch was the release of New York State Attorney General Letitia James’ 168 page report that provided credible evidence...
The Power Of A Billion

The Power Of A Billion

Trump was right. Yes, that’s a cheap ploy to capture your attention, no matter if you love the guy, hate his guts, are sick and tired of all things Trump, or fall somewhere in between the poles of that triangular spectrum. What was he right about?...
The Cognitive Elite

The Cognitive Elite

A couple decades back, I briefly dated a British woman who, in a political conversation whose specific subject is lost to memory, voiced the phrase: Because we’re smarter than they are. That, as opposed to the particulars of our discussion, seared itself in my...