A Quote For Every Occasion

Conservative hawks were aghast at Trump’s sudden announcement that he’s ordering American troops out of Syria. Libertarians and others weary of America’s endless militarism, on the other hand, were gladdened, and some even cheered. While some...

Carbon Delusion

Over in Poland, a passel of the world’s elite have gathered for the 24th annual Conference of Parties (COP24), to discuss climate change and hammer out an agreement on carbon emission tracking and mitigation. The word coming out of Poland is that the situation...

Fear, Not Ethics

The scientific ethicist community’s response to the report that a Chinese genetic researcher successfully altered a gene in twin human embryos (that were later implanted in the mother’s uterus and resulted in live births) was exactly as expected:...

All Socialists Are Thugs

The oft-memed and oft-mocked Congresswoman-Elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez apparently got her feathers ruffled by Donald Trump, Jr. the other day. Junior tweeted a meme that depicted AOC asking “why are you afraid of a socialist economy?” and Daddy Trump...